Jaded Optimist

Mothering, making, and generally blathering on

Hawaii, quickly February 24, 2014

Filed under: Family,Kids,Travel — bonniep @ 9:28 pm

Back from a week on the Big Island. I am an inadequate sunscreener, as well as having packed crappy sunscreen. Swimming, volcano hikes, whale watching, snorkeling, diving, food, body boarding, family visiting…fun all.



Baby C turned 14 months old today but between being off her schedule, strange foods, a red eye flight, a day without mommy and daddy when they (er, we) went diving, sunburn, and face rash…well, there was a lot of crying. Hopefully her best travel days are yet to come.


Snow! Like, entire centimeters of Snow! February 9, 2014

Filed under: Family,Kids — bonniep @ 12:33 pm

So…my birthday party was last night. Also known as the one snowstorm in Seattle this winter (now, in Seattle, a snowstorm just equals “any snow”). Which meant that about 1/3 of the guests didn’t make it to the party and another big chunk had to leave early to make sure they could drive home. More cake for the rest of us!

In anticipation (this was a big one…4-0!) I got about a foot of hair chopped off. I also applied actual makeup and purchased a new outfit. It helps to have other people dress me. Made the big step of buying clothes from a store nice enough that the size isn’t on a big clear sticker spanning the length of the item.


The music was loud (G hired a VJ to play all our 80s and 90s favorites. He wisely played popular, dancey hits most of the time instead of my morose, emo selections) and the dancing was as lamely awesome as I hoped.

This morning we awoke to…last nights snow. The kids were eager to explore and baby C spent a long time scooting up and down the driveway and on and off the curb. The girls kept trying to feed her snow.



Also, baby C has discovered that standing and walking are actual possibilities for her and spends a lot of time squealing for help attempting them. Yay! She may get upright yet.

It has been mostly a mild winter here. A few weeks ago we went for a walk in the neighborhood to a local café for lunch. Of course, the girls wanted to make sure they looked fabulous.


(C is wearing a cape that G scored for her at a craft fair. I swear, her clothes are better than mine…well, except for that birthday outfit I just purchased.)