Jaded Optimist

Mothering, making, and generally blathering on

Speed of Light September 26, 2010

Filed under: Personal — bonniep @ 9:24 pm

Quite a busy few weeks here as C gets into a new school routine, M started music class, both of them restarted swimming and G started a new job. And I, well, I guess for now I continue to be the behind the scenes person.

C seems to have quickly made some very nice friends at school and even landed a boyfriend for a day or so! Apparently he followed her all around on the playground and insisted they choose the same color ball at recess and she was sold. Not too many days later though he no longer wanted to be her boyfriend. She seems to have taken it all in stride. I on the hand have been caught off guard by this boyfriend business. Not much time to talk to C though as she begs every day to have friends over or play at their houses, and with several in the immediate neighborhood her wishes are often fulfilled.

C continues to be quite the fashion plate, between her store bought outfits and some that I have made. She was eager to wear her new clothes ASAP when school started:









You can’t quite see the gray skinny jeans in the last picture, but as the one member of the family who can pull off skinny jeans she definitely had to have some. I am not sure where her penchant for buttoning to the top comes from. Perhaps the same place where her “everything should always be tucked in” penchant began.

We do think she looks particularly cute in hats.








I finally finished that last “ice cream” dress that I cut way back in the spring. Happy with how this one turned out!









Not to be outdone, M has some new owl duds, as well as clothes discovered when we went “shopping” in the boxes of C’s old clothes. The elephant outfit was a favorite I was happy to see again.








(M also got that much needed hair cut.)

Speaking of old outfits of C, someone just might wear an “ooh ah” costume this Halloween….









C is lately obsessed with Barbies (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh what have I done??) to the point where I even agreed to attempt a Barbie perm.







M is busy with potty training (well, I am busy with potty training). We have had multiple disagreements about how much “pwivacy” she needs in public restrooms. Sometimes after she does she reminds me “I went pee in the potty. Now you say, ‘Good job!’” Her other activities are primarily riding bikes (she can pedal a mean tricycle) and playing with “Yittle Peoples” [Little People®]. She gets some quite elaborate scenes going on, many of which involve birthday cake.

Today we managed to make it to the final day of the Puyallup Fair. I believe this may be the one event we have made it to every year since moving here. (Actually now that I type that, I think we have also visited the same pumpkin patch every year too. Better make sure that one gets done again!) M was barely tall enough to go on some rides. Nothing like seeing your two year old with a gun in her hand.













(FYI I knit the hat C is wearing, finishing it last night. She was pretty excited to wear it all day to the fair, even with a short sleeve dress, although later claimed that she can’t wear it again because the neighborhood kids might make fun of her. If that is the case, I might just take the hat back!)

Dreary days and lots of time with C gone have meant not many photos. And then not much blogging. But with a certain 6 year old turning 7 soon and Halloween preparations hopefully the pace will pick up a bit shortly.


First day of school; end of summer September 1, 2010

Filed under: Personal — bonniep @ 10:26 pm

Someone started first grade today, wearing the promised cowgirl outfit. We went to an open house yesterday to meet her teacher, drop off all the requested supplies (3 boxes of Kleenex, two boxes of ziploc bags, five packages of post its, 4 packages of baby wipes…oh and some pencils and stuff) and scope out the scene. C’s classmates seem very nice, although it is 12 boys and 7 girls… Her teacher is rumored to be the one that churns out strong readers, which would be nice. C seemed fairly excited about school, although walking home from the open house (we are about a 9 minute walk at a “prodded first grader” pace) she mentioned that for second grade she would like to go just for half days. Had to let her down gently with the news that is only for kindergarten.







I forgot that the card has distinguishing information about it so you only get to see the picture where it is blown backwards. C was very sad to discover that hats are not allowed in the classroom. Sigh. Unfortunately we just bought another hat yesterday at a back to school splurge at Gymboree.

Here is C ready to leave the house with the photo prop that is never far away….a prop badly in need of a haircut.









Last weekend we hit the Bothell RiverFest for some kettle korn, free food scrap composting collection containers, bouncy houses, and an 80s cover band. The girls were not as willing to spaz out to Come On Eileen and Love Shack as G and I were. No pictures of that though 😉






M went on the bouncy slide over and over again while C was painting a decorative tile. M’s understanding of waiting in line was a bit fuzzy, but she climbed up that ramp like nobody’s business, flew down, jumped off with a smile, and would immediately try to go again. Several parents of hesitant 4 year olds were heard making some comparisons with my little daredevil.








Other recent M antics…quite the party animal post neighbor’s birthday party, and enjoying a spiderman frozen treat from the local ice cream truck.







I am not sure how she knows who spiderman is, but whatever.

Hobbies have taken a bit of a back seat this summer, but I did finish dresses for the two girls that I had cut out way at the beginning of the summer…one more still cut out that I would like to get sewn up before the cold weather hits! Both are from Anna Maria Horner voile which is soft and light and irons well. (Pattern is the Oliver + S ice cream dress).








(Back in July I also finished my first knitted blanket for a new second cousin who [finally] arrived last week. Took pictures on one of the hottest days we were in Cleveland before mailing it off to NYC…








Standard garter stitch log cabin blanket which hopefully matches owl sheets from Target…that is poor game little C there holding up a blanket—cotton at least—in hundred degree weather.)

C wrapped up her swim classes for the summer and remains at the same level. She is much, much stronger than before and a happy swimmer, but technique leaves a bit to be desired.






I will have to get a shot of her making muscles at some point…since seeing me do a [few] chin-ups she has been bragging about her strength and even claimed to be the strongest person in her class last year… As you will see if I take the picture, the circumference of her arm changes not at all from slack to pumped…G and I have a great time squeezing that little twig and exclaiming over her muscles!